Wendy Feltrup Health Coach

Welcome to Picture Holistic Health

Provides a truly holistic approach to long-term pain, complex injury and loss of function that supports recovery and seeks to move from an illness model to a wellness model.
Health Coaching

We offer

You need a therapist with a wealth of experience and a holistic approach to get you back doing the things you love.

Skilled in physiotherapy, hypnotherapy and health coaching, rehabilitation programmes are planned with an understanding of not only the physical issues themselves but how recovery is affected by our psychology and environment.

Picture Holistic Health has a philosophy of working in collaboration with clients and pacing personalised rehabilitation in the right place.

For when Pain runs deeper and longer,
For when movement is feared,
For when function is lost and can’t be found,
For when life has lost its joy and purpose.

Wendy Feltrup Therapist HCPC

Wendy Feltrup Hypnotherapy

Wendy Feltrup Health Coach